标签 共 12 个标签 All Plat Lib 基础知识 外部库 系统调用 函数调用 HPC Serverless hpc Unikernel RDMA InfiniBand # Plat (Total 10 articles) 2022-10-24 virtio背景介绍 2022-10-24 virtio-bus 2022-10-24 virtio-net 2022-10-30 virtio-ring与virtio-queue 2022-11-07 9pfs kvm qemu源码流程 2022-11-07 kvm qemu virtio一些虚拟化知识 2022-11-12 Unikraft启动过程 2022-11-12 virtio-blkdev源码 2022-11-12 virtio-blkdev核心数据结构 2023-01-25 用户与unikraft的参数传递 # Lib (Total 12 articles) 2022-10-23 ukallocbbuddy 2022-10-17 ukalloc 2022-10-23 内存管理导览 2022-10-23 vfscore核心数据结构 2022-10-23 vfscore源码以及相关函数 2022-10-30 9pfs相关结构以及源码分析 2022-10-30 posix-futex 2022-10-30 posix-process 2022-10-30 unikraft文件系统导览 2022-10-30 内存相关基础知识 2022-10-30 uknetdev 源码分析 2022-11-12 ukblkdev源码阅读 # 基础知识 (Total 7 articles) 2022-10-23 Linux线程模型 2022-10-24 virtio背景介绍 2022-10-30 9p相关基础知识 2022-10-30 内存相关基础知识 2022-11-07 kvm qemu virtio一些虚拟化知识 2022-11-12 DPDK 基础知识 2022-11-12 Linux系统调用 # 外部库 (Total 5 articles) 2022-10-23 Unikraft pthread-embedded源码分析 2022-10-30 lwip 源码分析 2022-11-12 DPDK 基础知识 2022-11-12 uk_dpdk(驱动部分) 2022-12-13 dpdk 实验代码 # 系统调用 (Total 2 articles) 2022-11-07 Unikraft函数调用 2022-11-12 Linux系统调用 # 函数调用 (Total 1 articles) 2022-11-07 Unikraft函数调用 # HPC (Total 4 articles) 2022-12-13 OSDI'20 A Simpler and Faster NIC Driver Model for Network Functions 2022-12-13 SOSP'21 The Demikernel Datapath OS Architecture for Microsecond-scale Datacenter Systems 2023-01-25 OSDI'20 A Simpler and Faster NIC Driver Model for Network Functions 2023-01-25 OSDI'22 XRP_In-Kernel Storage Functions with eBPF # Serverless (Total 3 articles) 2022-12-13 ASPLOS'22 Serverless Computing on Heterogeneous Computers 2022-12-13 EuroSys'22 Memory Deduplication for Serverless Computing with Medes 2022-12-13 SIGCOMM'22 SPRIGHT Extracting the Server from Serverless Computing! High-performance eBPF-based Event-driven, Shared-memory Processing # hpc (Total 2 articles) 2022-12-13 TJS’22 Toward low CPU usage and efficient DPDK communication in a cluster 2022-12-13 OSDI’21 The nanoPU-A Nanosecond Network Stack for Datacenters # Unikernel (Total 1 articles) 2023-01-25 ASPLOS'22 FlexOS Towards Flexible OS Isolocation # RDMA (Total 5 articles) 2023-01-25 Infiniband 驱动 2023-01-25 Linux InfiniBand 2023-01-25 InfiniBand调研 2023-01-25 InfiniBand Kernel RDMA Subsystem 2023-01-25 Infiniband 内核态API # InfiniBand (Total 5 articles) 2023-01-25 Infiniband 驱动 2023-01-25 Linux InfiniBand 2023-01-25 InfiniBand调研 2023-01-25 InfiniBand Kernel RDMA Subsystem 2023-01-25 Infiniband 内核态API
2022-12-13 SIGCOMM'22 SPRIGHT Extracting the Server from Serverless Computing! High-performance eBPF-based Event-driven, Shared-memory Processing